We will post announcement to the Canvas homeroom but will not send email notifications. Note: You must be a recognized student organization or department/center on campus.
Make sure to include the contact email address for students to direct their questions about your event.A few sentences description about your organization or what your event is about.What do you want the Canvas Subject to be? (Short header).Email Subject: “ Canvas Posting Request”.Send your formated email request to click the submit button below. The eLicense application can only be open and active in one. *Make sure to follow the format, it will help us keep track of your email requests, as we get a flood of different messages, and will help us post as soon as possible. Log in here to renew your license Your eLicense session will end after 30 minutes of inactivity. If you would like us to post on Canvas please email us at least 2 business days before your event, using the format provided below. We are happy to promote your organization or your event, that is targeted toward College of Sciences students, and is science-related.